

Academic Affairs staff conduct three different types of workshops each semester. 这些 workshops are 程序开发, 实质性的改变 and Off-Campus Instruction. All Deans, Associate Deans, Chairs and faculty are encouraged to attend a session 每一个训练. 



Curriculog training will focus on logging in, submitting and reviewing the appropriate course, program, policy, or regulation form in the Curriculog system. 

  • 2023年9月28日(下午2时30分至4时)
  • 2023年11月28日(下午2时30分- 4时)
  • 2024年2月5日(下午2:30 - 4:00)
  • 2024年4月5日(下午2:30 - 4:00)

Any individual who will be responsible for overseeing curriculum, updating current courses and programs or creating new courses and programs should attend the training. 


The 计划发展工作坊 covers everything you will need to know about proposing a new major, concentration or minor. Additionally, we will cover: elevating a currently existing concentration, creating a short certificate and give an overview to SACSCOC 实质性的改变.

  • 2023年10月2日(下午2:30 - 4:00)
  • 2023年12月7日(下午2:30 - 4:00)
  • 2024年2月20日(下午2:30 - 4:00)
  • 2024年4月29日(下午2:30 - 4:00)

Deans, Associate Deans and 部门 Chairs should attend the training. 这将 ensure awareness to the processes and timeline for creating programs, concentrations 和未成年人. Additionally, any faculty who will be creating proposals in the Curriculog 系统应出席.   



通知函 Curriculog Form

新学术课程 Proposal Curriculog Form


Program Modification Curriculog Form


政策A 1.0

政策A 1.1




SACSCOC defines 实质性的改变 as a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of the institution. While most substantive change involves new programs, it may include actions such as offering a percentage of a degree program at an off-campus location, closing a program or off-campus site, mergers or acquisitions, partnerships with other Universities or changes in governance. This workshop covers how to determine if you have a substantive change and appropriate steps to take should the University need to submit a notification or prospectus to SACSCOC. 最后,我们将讨论如何 to ensure the institution maintains compliance with SACSCOC 实质性的改变 policy and the 365bet 实质性的改变 policy, and the consequences of being out of compliance 有实质性的改变.

  • 2023年11月6日(下午2:30 - 4:00)
  • 2024年3月26日(下午2:30 - 4:00)

Deans, Associate Deans, 部门 Chairs, 教师 and relevant staff in areas which would initiate a substantive change, such as 双录取. 作为SACSCOC实质性的 Change covers a broad scope of information which could illicit a substantive change, this is a highly recommended workshop for all employees working with course development, international relationships, dual enrollment or new programs. 


Please utilize the link below to sign up for your workshop. 每个工作坊都需要 单独提交.